Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Remember the Dunes?

While it was snowing here in Holland I took a trip to the Dunes to take some shots of the kids playing and sliding in the snow. Las week I decided to visit this place again, but this time it was a beautiful sunny day and the Dunes were looking amazing. There were kids playing, people walking with their dogs, grandparents taking walks, and couples having a quality time. Here are my best photos of that day in Dunes, I'm really happy with the results and I hope you all like them too! Enjoy them :)


  1. Hi Gretel,

    Nice to know that the tips are coming in handy. I hope that they help with your photography.

    I couldn't help but notice that I was the only commenter on your blog, tell me if I am intruding. Sorry if I am.

    From this set, I noticed three exposures that really caught my eye. They happen to be the pine cone, the lonely glass bottle, and the wavy sand texture exposures. They are composed beautifully, and I can see progress in your photos. They display good use of angle and perspective. A tip for the exposures of the dogs that I can give you, is that you should use a lower angle, meaning, you should get on their level. It will give a nicer perspective. Try a few shots like that, I think you will like them better.


  2. Hey Manual,

    You are definitely not intruding! I appreciate a lot the comments. Thank you for telling me that I have progressed it really helps to know that, and I'm glad you those three pictures caught your eye. You're right about the angle for the picture of the dogs, I will definitely try it next time!

    Thanks for your tips and comments :)
